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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS License - Please Review

Hi All,

After scanning the license agreement, I don't see how it provides any
protections for people who are working essentially as amateur engineers (please
don't take that the wrong way). This license is essentially an open source
software license adapted for documentation. Yes, the OSS designs are documents,
but if someone takes this design, and dies because of a shortcoming in the
design, I don't think this license is going to protect anyone. I also don't
think that you will be afforded any protection because you are providing the
plans free.

When you (or I, or someone else) designs a sub for ourselves, builds it, and
gets into trouble, we have no one to blame but  ourselves. When someone else
takes your design and builds it, and gets into trouble, I guarantee you will be
sued into oblivion.

I don't think that the OSS design should be distributed as if they are plans. I
think that someone ought to create a website documenting the OSS collaboration.
The site should clearly state "don't do this at home". Later (hopefully) the
site could document someone building the OSS, and then testing. What I'm saying
is the website is more of a documentary than an endorsement.


Quoting Warren Greenway <opensourcesub@yahoo.com>:

> This is a link to the license recommended by the Free
> Software Foundation. Please spend a moment to review
> the license (If you consider yourself part of the OSS
> Project), and provide me with feedback concerning 
> suitability. This license would provide us with a 
> reasonable level of legal coverage for the design.
> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.txt
> Warren.
> opensourcesub@yahoo.com
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Jeff Post

Everything can be inherited except sterility.