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I think one reason they are not popular is that they are not in Stachiw’s book, nor in PVHO either. Hence although I’ve seen them on subs like Nekton, I am not aware of good detailed documentation to use in their design calculations. I know they have worked safely for years on the Nekton, but personally I would feel quite nervous about the potential concentration of stress in all those holes near the rim.




-----Original Message-----
From: Thijs Struijs [mailto:thijs-struijs@planet.nl]
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:50 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS viewports



When you look at Bill's viewports (http://www.giffordmarineinc.com/sub/sub_5_16_03/Sub_5_16_03.html) you can see that he uses an acrylic disc bolted to a flange. The Nekton subs use a similar method. The Delta is probably the most sucsesfull small sub ever built.  Yet i cannot find anything on them in the ABS or Lloyds rules or in Stachiw's book. 


It is a simple and cheap way to make the viewports. Flanges can be bought of the shelf. No need for a big lathe and no retainer-rings to make. Can anyone explane me why it is that these viewports aren't more popular.


Thijs Struijs


The Netherlands