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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Acrylic Components standards doc

You know of Star Trek. Well here's pSub Trek...where no
'--Steve' has gone before  : )

This might help. 

the  07-UWVS-Rcn3.pdf references Section 7 Windows and Viewports
of the ANSI-ASME PVHO-1 for acrylic windows.

I didn't "trek" far enough to find any fulltexts for PVHO-1  but some of
the following references might help.




Goodluck...Good Trek,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Fly Deep <flydeep4u@yahoo.com>

> I'm starting to become very confuzed...
> I can open the ABS page, but all I find is a list of avalibel ruls.  I dont find the ruls for any thing.  No pressure vessel ruls,  no ruls on diferint typs of pressure vessel joints.  I can open the PDF file, but I dont find any ruls...
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