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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Bill Gifford's Project


SeaLordOne@aol.com wrote:
> Carl,
> Bill's website discusses detailed specs...he states that he did not
> have any.  He states that this is why the photos of his progress show
> so much putting together, and then taking apart again, and then
> putting back together.  My reading of his site is that he had
> conceptual drawings only, and may regret he did not follow the
> standard practice of starting with detailed specifications.  But I
> don't want to put words into his mouth.  If you are like me, you are
> already making sketches of his interior based on the photos.  Like
> Bill, my next boat will be big.
> I love Bill's site.  With over 100 photos he shows the step by step
> construction of his boat.  While PSUBS is all about the design,
> construction and operation of PSUBS, it is primarily about design.
> Construction discussion seems focused on fabricating a few specialized
> components like scrubbers and viewports, and fascinating tales of
> actual PSUB dives are practically non-existent.  So any time someone
> fleshes out details in the areas of construction or operation, I jump
> on it.  What a boat, and what a website!
> Doug Farrow

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the mechanism of the mind." -- Kama Sutra