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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] question about Diver Lockout.

  My impression was that lockout chambers were plumbed from one of the ballast tanks.  I always thought this was logical because you could use the ballast water to flood the diver lockout and still maintain trim in the sub.  Then just pump the water back out of the chamber into the ballast tank and retrieve the air from the tank and pump it into the lockout chamber.  I could be WAY off, so feel free to pipe in with second opinions.

Jeremy Crawford <ISMASC@hotmail.com> wrote:
I have an air pressure question about diver lockout setups.

ok here is my understanding,

1. Diver goes from 1 ATM hull into lockout chamber.
2. lockout chamber is pressurized to ambient pressure.
3. hatch opens diver dives.
4. Diver returns closes hatch.

How does the pressure get dropped back to 1 ATM?? that is like creating a
vacuum at depth right? Perhaps I am mistaken somewhere in my understanding.
Any explanation would be appreciated.


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