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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Double endcaps sub

I like it. I have a couple of suggestions though. If
get the hull stable with sufficient ballast low on the
keel, we will only need the two thrusters. The hull is
short enough that more then two thrusters won't be
helpfull. I was also wondering about the tanks exposed
on the hull. Did you want them that way for servicing?
Also, I don't see why we can't just drop the batteries
altogether in an emergency. I don't know how others
about this, but if I get into an emergency that
drop ballast, I would not be afraid to drop the 
batteries to save my life. All in all, though, I
that it was an attractive GRP fairing that also
some protection for the forward viewports.


--- Thijs Struijs <thijs-struijs@planet.nl> wrote:
> I have posted some drawings to:
>  http://www.prismnet.com/~moki/subfiles.html
> I have tried to streamline the double endcaps sub. I
> have added a GRP hull around the pressure hull. 
> Maybe it looks a little complicated but i think one
> has to make a mold for only a quater of the GRP hull
> and use it 3 times. With a little cutting and
> laminating one could make a hull like that if your
> are a little inventive (and we all are, are we
> not?). The keel looks like a box because i don't
> know yet what it will contain (batteries, VBT,
> ballast). What i do know is that i want to have a
> fairing around it. There is a lot of mud in The
> Netherlands and i don't want to stick in it. The
> idea is to bolt the fairing to the drop-ballast. So
> if you get stuck you can drop the ballast together
> with the fairing and you are free again. 
> The next thing i will do is to try to make some
> calculations on the stability.
> I would like to hear what you think about it.
> Greatings 
> Thijs Struijs        

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