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Thanks a million, Doug!

SeaLordOne@aol.com wrote:
> Shipmates,
> I paid $75.00 for a copy of the ABS "Rules for Building and Classing Underwater Vehicles, Systems and Hyperbaric Facilities" (2002).  Now I see you can download it free from a website:
> www.eagle.org/rules/downloads/07-UWVS2002.pdf
> You can also download the International Maritime Organization's (United Nations) "Guidelines for Design, Construction and Operation of Passenger Submersible Craft" by going to:
> www.imo.org
> and searching for the title.  Sometimes the best things in life are free.
> Doug Farrow

"Indeed, desire is the seed of thought, the prime force that activates
the mechanism of the mind." -- Kama Sutra