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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Double endcaps sub

Cool, it just got pretty! A couple of comments though: If I’m seeing right you have a vertical thruster in the bow, but not matched with one in the stern. This would cause an attitude change, instead of moving you vertically on an even keel.


I’m not sure if the side thrusters are movable or fixed. What you might want to consider is a 4-thruster arrangement similar to Phil’s recent subs. Two fore-and-aft thrusters that would give you forward-reverse and rotation. And two midships thrusters angled down 45 degrees. If actuated together they give you vertical movement, but you can also fire one at a time to move sideways. Where you have the vertical thruster now, you might be able to put a “surfacing” viewport so you could see up and ahead.


Great job, I feel like building this one someday!






-----Original Message-----
From: Thijs Struijs [mailto:thijs-struijs@planet.nl]
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 2:11 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Double endcaps sub


I have posted some drawings to:



I have tried to streamline the double endcaps sub. I have added a GRP hull around the pressure hull.  Maybe it looks a little complicated but i think one has to make a mold for only a quater of the GRP hull and use it 3 times. With a little cutting and laminating one could make a hull like that if your are a little inventive (and we all are, are we not?). The keel looks like a box because i don't know yet what it will contain (batteries, VBT, ballast). What i do know is that i want to have a fairing around it. There is a lot of mud in The Netherlands and i don't want to stick in it. The idea is to bolt the fairing to the drop-ballast. So if you get stuck you can drop the ballast together with the fairing and you are free again. 


The next thing i will do is to try to make some calculations on the stability.


I would like to hear what you think about it.




Thijs Struijs