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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Free surface

One solution is to put compartments into you ballast thus preventing a large shift in the center of buoyancy.  On a small sub you can usually get by with two or three compartments per ballast.

> From: pierre&marie <poulin.carrier@videotron.ca>
> Date: 2003/04/29 Tue AM 07:37:32 EDT
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Free surface
> Hi!
> What do you suggest to resolve the free surface problem in a MBT? You know,
> the water moving in a half full ballast and then changing the center of
> gravity of the sub and tilt it nose down or tail down?
> I must place those ballast horizontaly.
> I'm thinking that if the weight of the keel multiplied by the distance from
> the center of gravity of the sub if bigger then the weight or the water in
> the ballast multiplied by the distance from the center of gravity of the
> sub, then the keel will always keep the sub in the good position. The weight
> of the water in the ballasts won't be enough to tip the sub.
> What do you think?
>  Pierre Poulin