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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Alleluia!!!

Right on!

And welcome aboard!

pierre&marie wrote:
> Hi people!
> I just finished to weld my hull! Man it was long! It toke 3 complete boxes
> of rods! And it's only 1092 pounds of displacement!
> When I started this thing, I was a poor welder. Now please call me Mister
> Black Belt welder!
> So "Makita The Wild Buffer" will be my best friend for the next two weeks!
> Just wanted to share the joy/pain with you!
> Pierre Poulin
> P.S. I know it's not the purpose of this mail list but I had to tell
> somebody...

"Indeed, desire is the seed of thought, the prime force that activates
the mechanism of the mind." -- Kama Sutra