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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Batteries - TechUpdate

Hi All,

I found this article in my wanderings:

New batteries promise low-cost electricity

Magnesium makes rechargeable power packs cheaper, lighter and greener.
18 April 2003
  From Nature.

The url is: http://www.nature.com/nsu/030414/030414-14.html

I find this e-zine excellent.  most science articles in the local 
newspapers seem to quote this as source.

Being an interdisciplinary magazine it covers all sorts of cutting edge 
research.  my own estimates of how long these things get to market is 
between 6 months and 10years (if ever) - depending on industries enthusiasm 
:) and no, i have NO vested interest in the magazine :)

There are any number of sub-related research discoveries.  I read this 
magazine a lot and would gladly give tech or gadget updates if others here 
are interested.  let me know.  I should have mentioned previously, but 
there was an article a few weeks back on using autonomous ROVs to chart 
ocean currents - any takers for this article?
