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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Sealordone submarine

Please post pictures of your submarine Undaunted I. I
am a big fan of your Benjamin Franklin adventure.
Thanks a million for your Busby efforts!!!!!!
--- SeaLordOne@aol.com wrote:
> Ray,
> That is quite a long list.  I trust this is a wish
> list for the entire Psubs volunteer community, and
> not just the little old SeaLord?  The Busby Book
> experience shows me that it is possible to support
> the community in important ways that do not require
> an ounce of knowledge on how to build a Psub.  We
> can all help out in one way or another.
> I will get the letter of permission for the Busby's.
>  Although you don't actually need one to post public
> domain materials, I understand your liability
> concerns and will get you a letter from the Navy. 
> As to building Undaunted II, I have been working
> that issue indirectly, and strategically.  I
> recently purchased a waterfront second home an hour
> an a half from my primary home in Northern Virginia.
>  It has a 75-foot dock that juts into St. Leonards
> Creek, which flows into the Patuxut River, which
> flows into the Cheasapeake Bay, which flows into the
> Atlantic Ocean...you get the picture.  There is a 30
> foot boat moored upstream of my dock, so I am sure I
> will have sufficient draft for my sub.
> The house is a Cape Cod...sitting up on 12 foot
> pilings.  It is not on pilings because of the danger
> of flooding, but because it is build on the side of
> a hill, and the old owner wanted a spectacular water
> view.  The pilings are partially enclosed.  The
> entire area under my house will be my submarine
> boatworks.  My wife understands.
> I now have to begin building my boatworks, putting
> in some sort of overhead crane, re-fresh my SCUBA
> skills, take a community college course in
> welding...lots of prep work to be done.  The design
> for for Undaunted II will come in time.
> Actually, the first thing I want to do is spiff up
> Undaunted I and take a couple of glamor shots of
> her, so I can get her up on the Psubs website.  In
> time.  I still have some backorder Busby's to get
> out the door.
> Doug Farrow

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