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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Waterproof controls

I work with LCDs all the time, and most LCDs,
ones that aren't backlit are very resistant to
It will generally cause temporary problems, while
pressure, but then clear up when the pressure is
reduced. Most of those severe duty boards can actually
be run wet, with the exception of the power contacts.

--- David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net> wrote:
> In general, it sure seems sensible to plan on
> everything in a small 
> boat getting wet more than once.
> I took apart a guy's fish-finder once, that had been
> submerged (the 
> boat filled up with rain while he was away; his kids
> too lazy to bail 
> it). Laid out all the circuit boards and such and
> let them dry, put it 
> back together, and it worked fine.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but with most electronics
> there won't really 
> be damage unless it's operating when it gets wet. I
> don't know about 
> water getting between the layers of an LCD, though.
> I suppose the 
> manufacturers make them more water-resistant than
> your average laptop 
> screen... but I suppose they aren't expecting any
> significant depth, 
> either.
> - - -
> David
> buchner@wcta.net
> Osage, MN, USA
> http://customer.wcta.net/buchner

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