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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] How do you do it?

Ok Dan.  Thanks!  I have no idea which idea would be best, but I'll
figure it out.

"Dan H." wrote:
> Carl,
> No doubt replies to your request will differ some.  I weigh these options
> often with the work I do and don't use the same criteria each time.  There
> are some basics that I always have in mind though.  Safety, cost, end use
> and the end users abilities.
> Safety; is a top concern, form a moral perspective, from a liability
> prospective, or my own safety if only I am involved.
> Every project has a cost.  It could be in actual finances, or personal time
> commitment.  Either way a design that you can't afford to build isn't worth
> the paper it's drawn on.  (To update that, the electrons it's illuminated
> with)  Don't forget the costs of support equipment and consumables.
> A design has to fulfill it's intended use.  Sometimes this can be modified
> because of other limitations but it must at least fulfill it's minimum
> practical use.
> Lastly, the end user.  If that's going to be you, it's not to difficult to
> consider but if you designing with others as an end user,  their abilities
> and limitations have to be taken into consideration.
> I chose not to design my own and to build a K-350 for the following reasons:
> Safety:  It has been designed and the calculations have been done by people
> and agencies I trust.  It has been built and tested and now has a proven
> track record. It also has many safety features incorporated in it's design.
> Cost:  I have a machine shop and the spare time to reduce the over all costs
> to a level that I can afford to complete the project.
> End Use:  I want to be able to go under water, see things, and have the
> ability to retrieve small things.  I also want to be able to take along a
> passenger once in a while.  Speed isn't a concern but ease of transportation
> and launching is.
> End User:  I will be the end user personally.  I know my skill levels and
> inadequacies, so this part is easy too.  Although in the long run, I know
> someday when I'm tired of it, this sub will be for sale.  (My wife already
> warned me she doesn't want another flower pot.)  The K-350 two place with a
> griper arm will be recognized by most prospective buyers and should be
> easier to sell then a total home brew.
> Hope this helps!  I apologize for being long winded.
> Dan H.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Coalbunny" <coalbunny@vcn.com>
> To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2003 5:38 AM
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] How do you do it?
> > When you guys have more than one idea on a sub design, how do you decide
> > which to follow?  I have several ideas, and while they cannot do the
> > same job as the other, they are all unique.  How do I decide?  If it's
> > based on cost, I'd have to design all three thing to get that decided.
> >
> > I'm lost.  Someone mind guiding me?
> > Carl
> >
> > --
> > "Indeed, desire is the seed of thought, the prime force that activates
> > the mechanism of the mind." -- Kama Sutra
> >

"Indeed, desire is the seed of thought, the prime force that activates
the mechanism of the mind." -- Kama Sutra