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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Run Silent, Run Cheap-Shot

Yep, that's it.  BTW, let me fill you in about women, dude.  Ever watch
Star Trek?  Remember the Borg?  Smae thing.  Women.  Borg.  Do something
to a Borg and the Collective learns, knows and adapts.  Ok.  Women, so
much as make one mad and odds are they ALL will know.  They must be
psychic or something.  When you think of women, think of the Borg.  The
Borg take your body and your mind.  Women, they take your body, your
mind (and return both is terrible disrepair), your sanity, your
paycheck, your pocketbook, your house, your car, your....

Michael B Holt wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 08:43:18 -0700 Coalbunny <coalbunny@vcn.com> writes:
> >Mike had an excellent idea for this stuff, not sure why he hasn't
> >disclosed it yet.  Mike, you gonna tell about that idea you asked me
> >about?
> The registry idea?
> I've kinda been buried under problems with women, school projects
> and working in the garden.
> Mike Holt
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