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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Run Silent, Run Cheap-Shot

A good way is to look in the magazine were the 
newsman is working for before you give him an interview.. ;-) 

If his last report was something like : 
"Crazy parachuter jump over the bridge just 1 foot from selfdestruction
Maybe give him not an interview.. 

But if the last report was something like : 
"Professional parachuter set new world record in short distance jumping
Maybe give him a intervirew.. 

:-) Carsten

Gary R. Boucher schrieb:
>      It is not possible to legislate what a person is to say.  PSUBS is not
> structured like a corporation where policy dictates the behavior of those
> who subscribe.  Attempting to regulate what and how people respond will
> simply not work.  I gave Anderson about 45 minutes of information of what I
> have done.  I well knew that I was taking a chance as to what he would
> publish and how he would report it.  He chose to use only a picture and
> caption of my sub.  Had he reported what I actually told him on the phone,
> he probably would not have reported it accurately.  This was the chance I
> took.  This was the chance I knew I was taking.
>      For over 35 years I have taken ridicule for working on subs.  I showed
> a clip created from a local TV station on my sub at the convention in
> Portland last year.  The whole thing was geared to making me look weird so
> that the TV audience would say, "Wow, look at that really strange guy."  If
> you don't want negative reporting, simply do not talk to the media.  Do not
> try to regulate what people will say.  It will simply not work.  Common
> sense dictates that none of us should de rate PSUBS.
>      Remember that when a reporter does a piece on you, they are not
> reporting your technical prowess.  They are looking for the unusual, the
> uncommon, and the out and out weird angles.
> Gary Boucher