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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Passive Sonar

Hi Folks try these companies for hydrophone quotes, does anyone remember a company called American Pioneer they made sonars and multi beam sounders for the commercial fishing industry they were distributed in the UK by Kelvin Hughes I have never used their products but was told by a guy that had one of their multi beam sounder's installed on his trawler that it was good kit and very productive. I do not see their products advertised these days in the UK are they available anywhere else in the world.

Regards , Garry
Cetacean Research Technology
PO Box 70186
Seattle, WA 98107

Telephone/Fax: 206-297-1310
E-mail: hydro@cetaceanresearch.com

Benthos, Inc
49 Edgerton Drive • North Falmouth, Massachusetts 02556 USA
Telephone: +1 508 563–1000 • Fax: +1 508 563–6444