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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Cylinder choice.

Actually, the apollo spacecraft only ran at 4psia or so.  At 14psia and 100% o2 you're dangerously close to O2 poisoning.  :-)  IIRC at 24psia you'll begin to see O2 poisioning's issues.  That's why you can't run all O2 for diving.  anything more than 20 feet and you're in a very dangerous place.  the addition of nitrogen dilutes the O2 so you're safer to higher pressures.  But again N2 can disolve in your bloodstream and we all know where that leads...

At standard atmospeheric pressure, O2 levels cannot get to high.  Much more than that and you'll have issues.  less than that, and you're ok.  

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On 3/25/2003 at 2:35 PM Jonathan Wallace wrote:

>>No, the CO2 levels can't get too low.
>Ray, if you recall, the apollo spacecraft use to operate on 100%
>oxygen.  So I believe Warren is correct.