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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Gadget alert!

On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 09:24:25 -0600 David Buchner writes:
>Oh, now I see what you were talking about. (Dang -- it's like you guys 
>expect me to read my e-mail every *week* or something! And what with 
>the war and all, it was really piling up... what a relief to learn a 
>bunch of it was just malignant goofiness, that I could delete right 
>off the bat...)

I get so much spam I've probably deleted some important stuff.

>It does indeed look like a cool toy -- but I'm a little frightened of a 
>compass that costs $60 and has "COMPASS" printed on it, in great big 
>capital letters.

I'm not sure that bothers me: the thing is designed to be installed
in overlarge personal vehicles by rather dull men married to rather 
duller women.   But I do see your point.

>Any more tantalizing details of your Nautilus plans? Anywhere I can 
>see  a picture of what this version is supposed to look like?

There was a picture on line; I don't have the URL any more.
The guy selling the plans is Jim Humphries.  His e-mail is
jfhjr@flash.net.   He'll send photos.   

>(Apparently "Goliath Awaits" is available on VHS, but not DVD. Amazon 
>has it. And I found this amusing review of it... or rather, of the box: 
>http://www.badmovieplanet.com/inferno/archives/goliath.html ...I was 
>surprised at how many people seem to think it's a good movie, though. 
>I never saw it, but it sounds like such an absurd premise... apparently 
>the video version is all chopped up and shortened and wrecked, 

Sad movie.   The only times I have seen it was on TV.   I can't recall
a reason for me to see it again.   Read a review of "Phantom Planet" 
for a movie of similar qualities.

Mike H.

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