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[PSUBS-MAILIST] blanket apologies


last night i wrote things that were greatly offensive to most, innapropriate to all and unjustified completely. i am deeply sorry (especially to one of you which i don't remember who, accepted my apologies and still i behaved like an ass, to him i am especially ashamed and sorry).

i don't expect any response and there's no need to waste your time. i've always respected the engineering intelligence and information on this subject expressed in this forum, and i'm sick at heart that i created such divisionary remarks which had no point being made here. i am sorry and sick at heart with where this country has gone, but again this is no excuse for my assinine remarks.

if someone could just post the unsubscribe info, i will be gone, i am too ashamed even to bear seeing "psubs" in any email and just want out. sorry fellows, really very sorry. maybe one day we'll meet down under where divisions and political bs give way to the shared joys and passions of exploration.