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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Additional Abuse Complaint

In a message dated 3/19/03 8:58:10 PM Pacific Standard Time, psubs@loml.org writes:

Hello.  Included below is the continued abuse delivered to a loml.org
subscriber by one of your subscriber.  It would be greatly appreciated if
you would investigate this matter and enforce your Terms of Use/Service

If you have any further questions, please address them to

I thank you in advance,

Christopher Arnold
Applied Knowledge Solutions

since when has opinion been considered abuse? my understanding of the terms of my agreement with psubs has nothing to do with my correspondance. if you want to pursue this matter further i suggest you supply me with some information for my lawyer. by the way  the words "fuck", "fucking" were not in these terms and were infact upheld by the supremecourt as not inflammatory, derogatory or pornograghic. i would suggest that if you want to use jackboot methods, you contact you attorneys. i plan to do the same.