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One thing I would worry is  VSWR.  (VSWR = amount of power returned to
transmitter)  If your underwater, it will almost be impossible for a good
antenna/transmitter match or VSWR if your antenna is touching water.  Unless
your dragging a long wire for VLF.  You can put a simple external antenna on
your craft, but well only work well under dry conditions.  If you go with a
fiberglass cover (radom) you will have to worry about water getting to the
antenna.  If you come up with a simple pressure compensated radom it will
work.  However, this could be costly.   Performance underwater will be very
low for VHF operation.  I'm not a pro at this, put that's my feedback.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alec Smyth" <Asmyth@changepoint.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 7:43 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] VHF antenna - question for Doc?

> Sorry to ask something so trivial, but has anyone got a source for VHF
antennas suitable for a sub, or any insight into installing one? I have the
additional challenge of keeping it hydrodynamically clean.
> Doc, does Bionic Dolphin have an antenna hidden in the dorsal fin? I
looked into low drag (faired) antennas for aviation, but I see aviation VHF
uses different frequencies to marine VHF, so I presume an aircraft antenna
would be innappropriate.
> All these little details!!!
> thanks,
> Alec