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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Question for Carsten:

I have seen plans and drawings for his "Brandtaucher" 
- some of them with very much details make from naval engineers
after measuring the original - with is displayed in Dresden. 

The best I have here is a set of 12 drawings 1:20  size 40 x 60 cm.. 
made by Prof.Dipl.Ing.K.Th.Braun in 1968 including the linesplan, the
shell plan, rudder and steering gear in and outside, trim gear, wood
plan, bilgepumpe arrangement.. The planes are more acurate than 
W.Bauers own set..  

Braun was the leader of the DDR restauration projekt of this sub and
attachet to the drawings is a 170 page book including pictures before
and aft restauration.. including a weight calculation, a trim
calculation, ab bouancy cal.. :-)))) - everthing in plain german
language.. :-(

Ask the right crewmembers - get the right answers.. ;-)


Michael B Holt schrieb:
> Have you seen a set of plans for any of Wilhelm Bauer's boats?
> Now that I'm closing in on the detail design of Argonaut Junior,
> I'm starting to think about other projects.
> Thanks.
> Mike H.
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