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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Surface Planing Wet Submersible

Hi Doug

In 1987 I once saw some GRP fairing's for a craft like this at a local 
moulding's company, the craft  featured on a UK technology show called 
Tomorrows World. It carried two diver's over the surface using an 
outboard that could be sealed against water ingress, it had inflatable 
tubes like a Gemini  which were deflated and lashed into the body when 
being prepared to submerge. When submerged it used two electric 
thrusters, the finer points of its design I do not have, but I do not 
think it entered production. The company that made the  GRP parts is 
called Galloway Boats and Moulding's as far I know they do not build 
boats anymore but are still open, they have changed premises and owners 
a few times since then but I will ask around for some more info.

Regards, Garry
  On Monday, March 3, 2003, at 03:35  am, DJACKSON99@aol.com wrote:

> Anyone have more information on this boat or others like it?
> "The Surface Planing Wet Submersible (SPWS) carries divers and their 
> equipment over long distances on the surface at high speeds...then 
> transitions quickly and proceeds submerged to the objective."
> http://www.stidd.com/sub_div/sub_div.htm
> http://www.fbodaily.com/cbd/archive/2000/10(October)/30-Oct-2000/20sol004.
> htm
> http://www.timesreview.com/st01-03-02/stories/news4.htm
> Thanks for your assistance.
> Doug Jackson