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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Chicago & Manitowoc
Thanks for a really great post! Mark Steed
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: SJSVOB@aol.com
Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 11:49:47 -0500
>While I was growing up, my parents kept a sailboat in the city of Chicago. On rainy days instead of sailing my parents would take my sister and myself to museums. The Museum of Science and Industry was always my first choice. The German submarine U-505, captured during WWII, is there. The museum is on the south side of the city a short cab ride from most of the other fine chicago museums. I agree with the comments about lingering behind the group and not bothering to listen to the tour guide much.
>I have also visited the Maritime Museum in Manitowoc Wisconsin where there is an American sub. (28 American Subs were built in Manitowoc).
>During WWII the ships produced in Manitowoc had to be side launched due to the lack of space in the river to launch them bow first. So if you ever see old news reel photos of WWII American subs being launched sideways it was probably filmed in Manitowoc. The last time I was at the museum there they had a wonderful collection of museum grade model ships. The builder of most of them was working right at the museum and I talked with him briefly. Am not sure if he is still there or not. I mention him because I was very impressed with a gigantic scale model ship he was working on. I think he intended it to be his legacy. The detailing was superb.
>For a while in my youth there was an American submarine kept at Chicago's Navy Pier. (The sub is long gone and Navy Pier has since been renovated into a mall/restaraunt/conference center). Once my father and I toured both the German U-Boat and the American submarine on the same day which was an interesting experience for me.
>> I believe that there is a German U-boat there that was captured during
>> WWII. A little further north, at Manitowoc, WI, there is a Gato class
>> American WWII sub. Both are open for tours, the American one is fully
>> operational. Don't know about the German one, but I
>> believe it is at the
>> Museum of Science and Industry... not sure, though.