----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 3:51
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] fish shaped
submarine [Was: end caps]
Hi folks,
I add
a acrobat PDF file with the drawings of common used end caps.
A is the
so called Klöpper shape. (used in CSSX for instance)
B is in german
called "Korbbogen" that means the "grip of a wicker" shape
C is an
eliptical shape with a ratio from 1:2. This shape is more common in britian
and the states.... (says my book) please check that.
Rating the
external pressure resistance "for a first quick shot" I would say that C is
better then B and A is the worst shape... (remember the explanation from
Please check the price differences and the manufactures ...
As Pat said: the PSUBERS goal is to catch the design criterias within
the financial and technical envelope and "every thing can be a sub.... if it
is strong enough.. :-))
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