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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] hot winter

On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 04:47:21PM -0500, Leo777888@aol.com wrote:

Y'know, I read and reread this... after having glanced at the previous 
messages on the thread... and I just can't see any issues related to 
PSUBS.  Maybe we should leave the politics to the politicians, at least in 
this forum?  Hmmm?

There are lots of places to argue politics... but this isn't one of them, 
is it?

> Was´'t "Paul" ... was the US defence minister who put Germany togehter with 
> states like Libya and Cuba... because we are not happy about a preventive war 
> against Irak...
> Please forgive me this short comment, I wrote it short after have heard about 
> it in the news. 
> I hope PSUB will be a multi cultural room also in the future and  no one will 
> be prosecute because of his opinion or religion... as it stands in the 
> constitutions of a lot of states.
> L.
> L.