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At 05:30 PM 2/4/2003 +0000, Garry Muir wrote:

>Did anyone follow up the link to the PTC CAD download for windows

I did download it and it is incredibly powerful. I did have trouble getting
it to respond the way the tutorial says. Like all complex SF the learning
curve will be steep. Since I currently design in Illustrator and I have
that option, it will take me a while to devote enough time to become
conversant in this SF. I'll get back to you when I do. The pro full version
of this SW is over $900. This looks like it would do anything that I need
it to do (if I can get it to work right!). I particularly like that it
auto-shades shapes as you create them and being able to rotate shapes to
any view during design is a great tool (the reason I wanted a CAD
program!). Like to hear if anyone else is playing with it. And BTW, thanks
a lot for posting this!

William Alford

Tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner