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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Equasion Query

In a message dated 2/4/03 5:00:53 AM Pacific Standard Time, pipo305@hotmail.com writes:

2) one cubic inch or steel weight: 0.283 lbs. The bouyancy rule say that the
sub need to weight the same as the weight of the water you are displacing
(occupying). So you have to calculate the volume of your sub in square inch,
multiply it by the weight of the water per inch (0.0361)and you have the
weight your sub must have to be bouyent.

thanks for the welcome and equasions pierre! i have a question about the bouyancy equasion though. i didn't shine the brightest in math but lets say the sub is 3'3" by 3'33" by 10' (or ~100 cubic feet for simplicity) so if a cubic foot equals 1728 cubic inches, 172800 cubic inches is the volume of sub. so do i have this right?

172800 cu.in. X .0361 (weight of water) = 6238

is that 6238 pounds??

thanks again pierre and if anyone knows drag co-effients regarding hull design maybe you can let me know.
