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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: FYI: Message:from Doctor Dolphin.Ltd (Commercial proposition).


I now have his pictures on the web site. See 


> Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 09:12:12 -0800 (PST)
> From: Ray Keefer <prize@bachelor>
> Subject: FYI: Message:from Doctor Dolphin.Ltd (Commercial proposition).
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
> From: "Rost Flegontov" <flegontov@sacbeemail.com>
> Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 15:39:08 +0200
> X-Priority: Normal
> To: ray@psubs.org
> Subject: Message:from Doctor Dolphin.Ltd (Commercial proposition).
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by bachelor.West.Sun.COM 
> h0SDduLt028765
>                                       Dear Sirs!
>             We find information about your organization in Internet.
>      Our company propose for your kind attention for sale deep-water complex 
> conducting  engineering & other technical & geological prospecting works on 
> depth up to 2000m, which consists of 3 (three) separate units (for stepped or 
> combined deep-water investigation).
> 1). Fastened compact small remotely operated vehicle 
> («&#1040;&#1075;&#1077;&#1085;&#1090;»)- «Agent» with above-water control 
> 2). Fastened robot MTK-200 with above-water control panel.
> 3). Deep-water inhabited submersible 
> « Sever-2» with complex ZIP.
>         All foregoing above equipment is disposing on guarded grounds under 
> responsible storage in:
> 1). Science Exploration Center «Ukrainian State Oceanarium» (Sevastopol city);
> 2). Admiral Makarov Ukrainian State Sea Technical University (Nikolaev city).
> All equipment is not under law-court, arrest, alienation & also not  burden 
> other debt obligations.
>    Short discription of foregoing above equipment is indicate in application 
> this letter.
>        P.S.  If you have interest in purchasing this equipment, please firstly 
> contact us via e-mail or via letter, because our translator from English 
> language is not disposing in our office.
> With compliments,
> Mr. Rost Flegontov 
> Commercial Director.
> Doctor Dolphin.Ltd
> 03040 Ukraine, Kiev
> M. Stelmakha Street 10A of. 522
> Tel/Fax: (38044)2582242
> e-mail: flegontov@sacbeemail.com
>                    Enclosure to commercial proposition.
> 1). ROV «Agent» -  meants for realization of sweeping, conducting engineering 
> other technical & geological prospecting works on dept up to 500m.
>     It works autonomus or together with (MTK-200). Operates from control 
> which is fixed on deck of carrier vessel through cable-rope. Weight of 
> &#8211; 30 kilograms.
> Apparatus haves  two TV cameras, lighting technology equipment, impellent 
> which allows independently moving in all flatnesses. Avaible mounting of 
> supplementary curved equipment.
> Working time of apparatus is not limited.
> Example of practical application. Shelf inspection on torpedo & mine 
> availability. Possibility of diving & putting of explosives for elumination of 
> underwater hindrance, possibility of putting different claws for lifting 
> simberged objects from bottom. Investigation of ship hulls, drilling 
> underwater pipelines. Underwater videotape recording, thickness measuring of 
> underwater pipelines & other works.
>          Now, apparatus with above-water control panel disposing in Sevastopol 
> city.
> Apparatus completely ready for work, participated in  underwater works near 
> Zmeiny Island (Black Sea) for JSC «&#1057;hernomorneftegaz».
> 2). MTK-200. Weight-3,5 tons. Meants for works on dept up to 500metres.
>         Operates with helping of control panel from carrier-vessel through 
> cable-rope.
>    Apparatus have autonomus telemetry, lighting technology, track chassis for 
> bottom moving 6 (six) electronic motors for moving in water in all flatnesses 
> 2 (two) manipulators 8 (eight) powers of freedom, 90kg of pressing on clamps.
> Application: analogous ROV «Agent».
>      Now, apparatus with above-water control panel is disponsing in hangar of  
> Admiral Makarov Ukrainian State Sea Technical University (Nikolaev city).
> Necessary to buy cable-rope & to make starting examinations.
> 3).Deep-water inhabited submersible «Sever-2».
> Depth of diving up to 2000metres.
> Wear of solid hull &#8211; 10%.
> Length &#8211; 12 metres.
> Height- 4 metres.
> Breadth &#8211; 2,6 metres.
> Diameter of solid hull &#8211; 2,1 meter.
> Displacement &#8211;39tons.
> Speed max &#8211; 2,5knots.
> Diving speed max &#8211; 0,8knots.
> Diving height calculated &#8211; 2800metres.
> Diving height maximum (working) &#8211; 2200metres.
> Stock of run &#8211; 6 hours (with electric power).
> Year of building 1972.
> Crew &#8211; 2-5 people.
> 1 (one) manipulator 8 (eight) powers of freedom with claw.
> Apparatus autonomus, apply with deck of carrier-vessel with help of 
> crane-girder.
>   Now submersible is disposing on ground in (SEC) «Ukrainian State Oceanarium» 
> (Sevastopol city).
> Submersible ready for work on 70%.
> Necessary to buy storage batterys & to make starting examinations.
> Available  ZIP - (complete set of fittings for providing normal work of 
> apparatus) in quantity of 2 (two) auto trucks «KAMAZ».
> Photos of submersibles are enclosed.
> Composed by sacbeemail.
> Get Your Free E-mail at http://www.sacbeemail.com . Or visit Northern 
> California's premiere news and information website at http://www.sacbee.com .
> ------------- End Forwarded Message -------------