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[PSUBS-MAILIST] dual hull

Re: pressure reduction by hull 'layering' 
        Jes' amblin' on by and noticed the dual hull thread - Peculiar how
this comes up again and again! So . .  once again, class . . .add all the
layers together to form one unit thickness hull with an inside diameter the
same as the inside diameter of your previous 'smallest sphere' - then add
oil or water or whatever medium you were going to put between the hull
layers,( if air, then you wil have to add a comp system or  make the hull
the previous outside diameter or add air  in the form of microspheres in a
cohesive matrix, and so on . .) until the outside diameter/displacement
equals that of your previous 'largest hull'  - that's the best you can do
with a multi hull if you are able to achieve a perfect load transfer
between the hulls. So why bother? Under the most ideal conditions, there is
zero advantage - under less than ideal conditions, the layered hull will
not be as rigid ( read 'strong') as a simple mono hull with a thickness
equal to the combined thicknesses of the hull layers. No free lunch .
.which I, for one, say is Suction City - but that's the way she be. By the
way, Happy New Year, y'all - and specially to the good Cap'n of Vulcania -
very cool 'Nemosuit', Pat!
Phil Nuytten