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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] ideas and learning

Herve: I really enjoy the way you put things. My thanks and respect.  Mark Steed

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Herve" <caribsub@coqui.net>
Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Date:  Wed, 29 Jan 2003 15:38:37 -0400

>i would like to comment here once and for all, about the misconception on
>patents, copyrights and ideas.
>Let me be straight: Ideas worth zip, nada, nothing, que dalle. You cannot
>patent, copyright, protect, claim , use commercially or even sell  an idea.
>So if anybody thought to become rich with an idea, forget it, it s not going
>to happen.
>Once you get to a working design, a reproductible principle, a math formula,
>an invention, or something realistic that is WORKING, then we are talking.
>And We are not there yet, after that you have to finance it and market it
>which as much difficult than invention itself.
>So when somebody shows up out of the blue with a revolutionary idea on this
>forum he should be prepared and have some "back up" materials otherwise i
>dont think it is disrespectfull to laugh at him, it s called criticism,
>however i dont think anybody who just trashes or ignores the most elementary
>laws of physics wants to learn anything.
>if not what does it mean? i have an idea and i learn later how to realize
>it, it does not make any sens. An ivention requires first knowledge, then an
>Do you think any idiot could find out about Gravity just by looking at an
>apple fall from a tree. The guy who found out did it because of an extensive
>knowledge in maths.
>Respect commands for those who wants to learn to question those who know,
>and stay quite about crazy ideas until they know at least as much otherwise
>face ridicule and mokery. An ignorant is never about to invent anything and
>it is insulting to all those who have been brainstorming and studying for
>years to claim otherwise
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Ian Roxborough" <irox@ix.netcom.com>
>To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
>Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 2:37 PM
>Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS License
>> On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 01:52:43 +0800
>> "Warrend Greenway" <dub@linuxmail.org> wrote:
>> > Well, I don't see how we can prevent the commercial use of good
>> > ideas that we post publicly.
>> That's similar to saying we can't prevent people using GPL'd code
>> in proprietry products.  We can prevent the commercial use of
>> our ideas because they are our IP.  This is how we can do things
>> like decide to license our ideas under the GPL, we can just as
>> easily license our ideas under a license forbidding commercial use.
>> Previously I've pointed out that if we imposs commercial restrictions
>> then it's not really open source and we can not use the GPL to
>> license our ideas.  Carsten has said he will not contribute unless
>> this is a non-commercial use project (correct me if I'm wrong), I
>> believe this was to due to worries about liability law (which differ
>> from country to country).