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[PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS pressure hull

Last year i made a drawing of a pressure hull. You can have a look at it at:
It is a very small single seater in which you can sit "comfortly" in a volume of only 700 ltr. The construction is very simple. It are 2 torispherical endcaps welded together. The intersection of the endcaps and the conningtower is of course the critical part of it.
I thought when you think of the position in which 2 people sit on a scooter and you enlarge the diameter of the endcaps to let's say 1500 mm you will have a compact double seater. Maybe use domes for the viewports on both sides. Give the forward passenger a seat that can be lowered so he can have a close look at the botom. 
A buggy-seat might also be an idea for a more conventional pressure hull shape.
Greatings from the Netherlands,
Thijs Struijs