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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS Tasklist and SpecSheet release

Hi every-body! Hi Warren!

I was out to Japan for work last week so I didn't had acces to my e-mail. 
I'm now reading those 141 new mails.

I would like to be part of the OSS. Specially the point 1.1.

About me: I'm 31. I have a college degre in mechanical conception (design). 
I've been working as a design technicien for 7 years now. I did my first 
dive at age 12. I have my scuba licence since 8 years now.

My sub is a dry ambient sub. one seater. very small. It should be 
operational this spring without electrical (motors) (I'm the mechanical 
type, valve, cylinder, distributor, electric at minimum). If the life 
support and ballast/trim tank work well, I will install the electrical 
motors during summer. Will have pics availble next week...

Let me know if I can help!

Pierre Poulin
>From -39 C Canada!

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