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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS Acrylic Domes and Viewports

  I would love to see a picture of that submarine, as would the rest of the 
group I'm sure.  The use of three dome viewports sounds unusual, do you know 
what role that submarine was designed to fill?  If you get the chance, I'd 
appreciate it if you would submit some images to the group.


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----Original Message Follows----
From: "Peter Madsen" <apg@mail.tdcadsl.dk>
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS Acrylic Domes and Viewports
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 10:55:52 +0100


My name is Peter Madsen, I am the designer and builder of the
diesel-electric submarine "Freya" and I make transparent plastic domes. I
have developed a technique
to cast these domes. It is my intention to outfit Freya with one, in the
tower hatch, with a diameter of just under two feet, or 600 mm. The casting
technique makes it possible
to make domes with very thick material, thus very deab crush depth.

Please write me directly at apg@ofir.dk if you need such domes, I will be
happy to help.

A new submarine is on the slipway here too, and it will be outfittet with
three of these domes. On in the tower, one on the fore deck where the boat
is sailed from, and one in the bow.
the new 11.4 meter long boat has most of its pressurehull welded now and is
to be launched in the summer.

Peter Madsen

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