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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Third Riech sub base in Antarctica?

Coalbunny thats ist just another bullshit story.. 

U 977 was a VIIC typ full armed and not able to caryy load. 
Even the travel to Argentinna was one way ticket and the managed
to get the harbour with the last drops of fuel. I have the 
book "66 days underwater" written by Capt.Schaefer here and there
is no indication that he ever was in the Antarctica. 
There was a lot of newspaper storys in Argenntia/US/GB during
his drive into the harbour just 3 month after the end of the war.. 
The Argenntina and the US Goverment ask him over months -
but his logbook was without any mistakes (special the daily weather
reports - - which can not be make false) and the full load of torpedoes
are on boat. 

The Commander of U 530 was Capt.Wermuth not Bernhard. 

U 464 was sunk under Capt.Wolf in 5 of may 1943 NW Cap Ortegal. 

The remains (bones) of Hitler and his wife was found in 1945 in 
berlin by the russian. As they displayed in the late 90ies they
burned the remains to ash and scuttled/blown it into a 
river in Magdeburg so nothing left. 

The only cargo and personal transfer including
uranium at the end of the war was to Japan. Search for U 234 if you
intressting in real storys. 

regards Carsten

Coalbunny schrieb:
> http://english.pravda.ru/main/2003/01/16/42144.html
> --
> "You delight not in a city's seven or seventy wonders, but in an answer
> it gives to a question of yours, or the question it asks you, forcing
> you to answer, like Thebes through the mouth of the Sphinx." -- Kublai
> Khan