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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS spec sheet

By definition the ratio would change on a modular sub. If you
want a small manueverable sub you use the base section. As you
need greater speed and stability you go to the longer hull. Short
subs can be very nimble. (Which could be good or bad, depending on
what you want.)


> On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 00:55:49 -0600
> "Nero Wolfe" <wolfe19@megsinet.net> wrote:
> > A boat theat 2x4 meters is going to be a little funny in the handling
> > department.  While 2x8 is pretty reasonable.
> As a guide, I normally go with a 1:6 ratio (according to "Concepts in
> submarine design", it's the optimum length to width ratio), which would
> make our boat about 12 meters long....
> With a 1.25 meter diameter pressure hull, we would have a 7.5 meter
> long boat.  Still pretty big, but easier to manage.
> Ian.

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