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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Open source cad/sub tools

I recall seeing a prototype on television used to make 3D maps of underwater 
caves in Florida.  The team of cave divers were using a man sized 
torpedo/diver-propulsion-vehicle looking device to map the fresh water 
springs.  All the divers had to do was 'drive' the device just like a DPV, 
the data was downloaded and rendered on the surface after the dive.  The 
whole shebang looked automated, but then, is anything as simple as it first 
seems?  I'll dig up the few clips I kept from the show, if I hear any names 
from the research team, I'll make a seond post.


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----Original Message Follows----
From: Ian Roxborough <irox@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Open source cad/sub tools
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 16:44:09 -0800

It turns out that there is a program called debrief for
analyzing data from a submarine:


It's mainly for military subs, but it could be used
on a smaller scale for psubs.  It would be nice to
plot sonar imagines taken during the journey on to
the 3d map.  Of course, I'm guessing the main problem
is going to be how to get the data.  Depth gage, water
speed, geo-compass... what other ways do we have of
accurately determining our location underwater?


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