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Hi Warren

You seem more than competent and more importantly enthusiastic and as a 
software engineer you should be adept at making  projects like this knit 

Regards, Garry
On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 09:21  pm, Warrend Greenway wrote:

> Sorry, I'm not sure I have introduced myself. You'll probably
> kick me out when I do! I forgot that step since I have kept up
> on events at the PSUBS.org webpage for almost three years, so I
> felt I knew a lot of you...Ooops. My name is Warren D. Greenway
> I'm not quite 22 years of age, and have had passion for subs since
> reading 20,000 leagues in second grade. I am a professional Software
> Engineer in Washington, having gone through intesive homeschool right
> through college. I write embedded systems code for ultra low power
> measuring instruments, my specialty being ultra small operating systems
> which I write for custom applications. I am generally considered well
> read, being a bit of a book worm who devours classics and anything on
> subs or oceanography. I have been working in my present position for
> 3 years, and have been in the workplace full time for 6 years. Sorry...
> I guess I'm what you'd call a "whipper-snapper", a "young-un", and such.
> Warren.
>> Hi submadmans, based on the Kittredge design as startpoint
>> I would like to see:
>> - a doubleseater, 100 % more fun for 15-20% more cost.
>> - a warp around acrylic cylinder in the tower like the
>> the Pauls  S101 and S102 have, so we can combinate the
>> good view of the dome Boats - and the good freeboard of the
>> tophatch boats versions..
>> - a much better outline hull, special at the bow and stern area -
>> but maybe no cover in the hull area. Bow like S101..
>> - a bolted stainless steel frame stern endcap with a seal so the boat
>>  can be completly open for building and later for maintance.
>>  On the stern cap for the reason that we can design a extra section
>> "Dieselsection" which can be added as plug in modul for the boys with
>> the long lakes in there garden.. same flange can be used for a diver
>> exit chamber modul - or for both moduls..
>> - all plans also on a DXF/DWG 2D CAD system - special the metal cut
>> sheets in a form that you can give a disk to a plasma/higwaterpressure
>> cutting company and all parts can be cut by CNC machines to make the
>> building
>> quick, easy and cheap..
>> - size mind 2 and max. 3 ts so can be carring behind a light truck.
>> - in steel it should be not a big deal to design it for 200-300 meter
>>   (650-1000 ft)
>> A figure of 20-30.000 USD is probably right..
>> After the general defintion phase - the design team should be
>> reduce to an expirence and small group - present just results.
>> "20 boys into a small galley making something will be a nightmare of a
>> dinner.."
>> It must be a clear non commercial project - or I will not spend any 
>> time
>> on it.
>> It must drawn by hand or at a 2D CAD programm - or I am out for 
>> personal
>> reasons.
>> I manly will investigate time in this project if I found something 
>> looks
>> unsave.
>> If OSS is a sucess or not - depents only on the campainer/moderator
>> not on the technic..
>> Be carefull Warrend - Campainer for this is a real hard figure.. :-)
>> Warrend .. a question - many years at Psubs it was a good pracise to
>> introduce
>> yourself.. age, pracise, dreams job etc.. have you done this ?
>> (Sorry if I maybe I miss that. )
>> best regards, Carsten
>> Warrend Greenway schrieb:
>>> OK. You have a lot of opinions. :) Ready to help compile that list of 
>>> those interested
>>> and the skills they bring to the table? A landlubber is perfectly 
>>> suited. Furthermore,
>>> you seem to grasp the situation perfectly. I don't think we need to 
>>> worry about a new
>>> server at this point, but I have a server I would offer to the cause 
>>> if it ever got to
>>> that point. What I would like to see is everyone who has expressed 
>>> interest to either
>>> post their wish-list or e-mail them to myself or you...:) So we can 
>>> compile a preliminary
>>> spec. It will probably change a bit as time goes on, but it will give 
>>> us a place to start!
>>> Please, all, spec the following:
>>> 1. Length
>>> 2. Diameter
>>> 3. Speed
>>> 4. Range or dive time
>>> 5. Safe dive depth
>>> 6. Cost window
>>> 7. Further comments
>>> It seems like lead acid is the power source of choice. I can handle a 
>>> PWM speed control,
>>> so I don't think we need to worry about potentiometers or anything 
>>> like that. Batteries
>>> and motor should probably be stored outside the pressure hull. Steel 
>>> seems to be the
>>> pressure hull material of choice. Gauges and electronics should be 
>>> left flexible, to
>>> accomodate a variety of tastes, needs, and budgets.
>>> Let's agree to use DXF for electronic drawings and TXT or HTML for 
>>> text.
>>> Warren.
>>> warrend@decagon.com
>>>> Good Evening all,
>>>> I just read all the posts since this morning... wow!  You've been 
>>>> busy.
>>>> OK... here goes.  Carsten had some good points.  I think if I spent
>>>> hours on end burning the midnite oil and then saw that somebody was
>>>> selling the plans in the back of Popular Mechanics... and getting 
>>>> rich,
>>>> I'd be furious.
>>>> Now... open source does not necessarily mean the project could not be
>>>> turned to profit making.  There are lots of people making money from
>>>> Linux, after all.  I also wonder how we might control anyone who did
>>>> decide to take the OSS design and start building and selling it...
>>>> copyleft documents would not do.... as such documents do in fact 
>>>> allow
>>>> one to reproduce and sell it.  We need rather, a patent on any
>>>> intelectual property in the design to do this.
>>>> I think that the best way to control commercial use of the project 
>>>> would
>>>> be to design it such that it would not be commercially viable.  
>>>> I.e.: a
>>>> one person submersible could never be used to "give rides", and the
>>>> potential market for such a machine would be negligible.  Liability
>>>> would kill it before the first dozen had hit the water.
>>>> The other thing is that it should be stressed concept only.  The idea
>>>> would be for people to build their own machines to the 
>>>> specifications in
>>>> the project documents... not for anyone to try to market a kit to be
>>>> assembled.
>>>> If we produce the plans and the documentation... this material could 
>>>> and
>>>> most certainly would be copyrighted.  It could be distributed free of
>>>> charge in electronic form.  Just the fact that we would be giving it
>>>> away free would discourage competition.
>>>> A separate list with url... well, it certainly could be done, but how
>>>> big a monster is this going to become?  Do we need a new list?  Do we
>>>> need a new server... possibly with a forum?  Right now this is all 
>>>> new
>>>> and exciting... like the new girl in school... but the early interest
>>>> may fade as the drudgery hits.
>>>> A camel has been described as a horse designed by comittee... but 
>>>> then,
>>>> a camel is a pretty impressive piece of technology.  Even though God
>>>> likely did not consult a comittee upon finalizing the two or three
>>>> designs, the concept is still valid.  I think that this would 
>>>> function
>>>> best if somebody would take charge and start assigning tasks as soon 
>>>> as
>>>> possible.
>>>> We perhaps need to compile a list of who is interested.  We could 
>>>> easily
>>>> form our own mail list and take it off the psub list... but you know
>>>> what?  I suspect that even those not participating would find the
>>>> project of interest and it would be a simple matter to set filters 
>>>> up to
>>>> shunt anything with "OSS" in the subject line to a specific location.
>>>> A wish list might be one of the first things to be enumerated... 
>>>> just as
>>>> soon as we know who we are.
>>>> This could work.  For some reason I don't understand, there seems to 
>>>> be
>>>> quite a bit of commeradery here... and little or no bickering.
>>>> OK, enough from the landlubber.  I've already put out my "wish list" 
>>>> and
>>>> mentioned how I think I might be able to help.  I'm going to sit back
>>>> and watch until somebody tells me to go out and get an original copy 
>>>> of
>>>> the plans for Trieste or something.
>>>> Dale A. Raby
>>>> Editor/Publisher
>>>> The Green Bay Web
>>>> http://www.thegreenbayweb.com
>>> << dalesignature.gif >>
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