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[PSUBS-MAILIST] virus alert?

Have anyone here received this virus alert?
False alarm?
Just in case here it is. And it's mainly for those Windoze users.


The LIV Services Help Desk has been contacted recently regarding a Virus
called W32/SoBig@mm worm. According to DST policy, if you receive this

Our virus scanning software McAfee is working on all workstations.

When the W32/SoBig@mm worm is run, it copies itself to the WINDOWS
directory. If you are running Outlook, or Outlook Express, NOT Lotus Notes:
It attempts to mail this virus message to all recipients in the Windows
Address Book.

The subject of the email could be:

·    Re: Movies
·    Re: Sample
·    Re: Document
·    Re: Here is that sample

When this W32SoBig@mm worm arrives as an email attachment, you execute the
program by double clicking on the icon and running the script; it infects
your machine. Once infected, the script attempts to mail itself to all
recipients found in the Windows Address Book ? keep in mind this only
happens when you use Outlook or Outlook Express. Most DST associates use
Lotus Notes only. Again, if you receive this email, please DELETE IT.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the
LIV service help desk at X56055 Option 1, Option 5.
