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Perhaps we should have an OSS@psubs.org? You are right that this could plug
up the works for people who don't want to be part of the OSS (I really like
your name for the project!). We need to have a page with basic specs for the
Kittredge, if that is the sub we plan to start with, and a list of specs right
below that defining the new sub. We could use a parent/child approach and save
ourselves some work by adopting whatever already suits our needs. Is the
OSS@psubs.org practical and desirable?


> Hi Folks
> The Open Source Sub concept or lets just call it OSS for the moment can 
> work even if some members of the group diverge, their achievements may 
> also be of use. We don't have to leap head first into this thing either, 
> no one really wants it consuming the mailing list and
> spoiling the fun we are having, but we have to put some body into the 
> concept. I think everyone knows what is achievable and the Kitteridge
> type sub seems the most likely candidate, there is so much to 
> contribute, we really need to know what everyone wants in their sub and 
> get a common standard worked out.
> Regards, Garry

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