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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Gyro-Compass, want to purchase

They have a suspended magentic element in a semi-conducting or dielectric
fluid, depending on their construction. They have a center leg and four
legs surrounding it. You take a reading with an ADC from the center to
the outer legs or power the center leg and take a reading from leg to leg
across the device. This gives you a ratio that directly correlates to the
position of the magnetic element, and thereby tells you which direction you are
pointing. Electric levels work the same way. I haven't used them much, and think
it was actually an electric level we used recently...But they work in nearly
the same way. 


> On Saturday, Jan 11, 2003, at 01:32 US/Central, Warrend Greenway wrote:
> > By the way, there are cheap and accurate ($15-$20) electronic compasses
> > that are the size of an LED. We have used these at work. I forget the
> > brand name, but I can get it if anyone is interested.
> Now, how do those work? My car has a digital compass built into the 
> edge of the rear-view mirror, and I've thought there must be some kind 
> of cool little component at the heart of it...
> David
> buchner@wcta.net
> Osage, MN, USA
> http://customer.wcta.net/buchner

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