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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Top 10 reasons a woman is better than a personal submersible

 Top 10 reasons a woman is better than a personal submersible. 

10.  There are no batteries to recharge nor are then air tanks to refill:

you can go down again immediately.

 9.   You don't need a couple of buddies, a boat and you don't
have to check a long list of details when you want to go down.

7.   The submarine won't take the initiative.

6.   Submarines can't cook.

5.   Women can have jobs so we can afford to build a submarine.

4.  Good ones will guide you when you work on their equipment.

3.   Women don't leak water onto the wiring.

2.   A submarine can't help you work on your woman.

 . . . and the best reason for having a woman:

 1.   A woman's shape is decorative AND functional!


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