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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Alec, Scrubber

Where can I see that pic?
I think I missed something!



>From: "Alec Smyth" <Asmyth@changepoint.com>
>Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
>Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Alec, Scrubber
>Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 10:14:43 -0500
>Please see below...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dan H. [mailto:JMachine@adelphia.net]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 10:30 PM
>To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Alec, Scrubber
>I was looking at the pics of your scrubber and have some questions.
>Your fan motor is in the half with the clear canister, correct?
>[Alec Smyth] The clear can contains sofnolime. Its clear so I can see the 
>change of color.
>It looks like the fan is mounted in the white plastic.  Am I correct, or is 
>the fan inside the black housing?
>[Alec Smyth] The white plastic contains two fans. The U tube puts them in 
>series. If one fan quits, at least the other continues pushing air through 
>both cans.
>If the black housing doesn't contain the fan, what is it for?
>[Alec Smyth] Well, for one it came with the proper thread and airtight seal 
>for the canister to screw into! (taken together, the black and clear part 
>are nothing more than a wet-environment industrial lamp from the MSC 
>catalog) But it has several other functions too. It contains a stainless 
>spring-loaded device that presses a perforated disk down on the Sofnolime 
>to keep pressure on it, so tunnels do not form in the material. It also 
>makes the clear canister draw from lower down. CO2 goes to the bottom of 
>the hull. The scrubber draws air in vertically through holes in the bottom 
>of the clear canister, and expels it horizontally through the bottom of the 
>secondary white canister. And finally, if my fans were stong enough -- 
>which unfortunately they are not -- it also just happens to be the right 
>size to accomodate a standard respirator cartridge of activated carbon, 
>which is good for eliminating odors or anything else should the air be 
>What is the clear canister below the black housing for?
>[Alec Smyth] So that I am not sucking in the air I just scrubbed.
>Why didn't you just mount a fan on top of the white plastic pipe fittings 
>containing the scrubbing agent instead of using the U tubing?
>[Alec Smyth] The whole idea of this scrubber is that the fans are 
>completely enclosed by sofnolime in order to keep it quiet. The ratio of 
>volumes of the canisters is about 3:1, which I found made the sofnolime in 
>the entry and exit canister get used up at about the same time. You need 
>less sofnolime in the second can because the air that is entering it is 
>already scrubbed by the first.
>Thanks,  Dan H.

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