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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub?

That's good to know. TI does something like that to. You can sign up 
for a My TI account, and you can request up to three of each and everything
on their site. This excludes full development kits, but I have gotten MCUs
MSP430 to NTSC interface ICs, USB converters, RS232 ICs, etc. I really love
vendors like that! :)


> >From: Warrend Greenway <dub@linuxmail.org>
> >
> > I am actually not an ME or an EE I am a software engineer who specializes
> > in embedded systems......could quite literally be run on a potato.
> >
> That's great !  Now I know whose brain to pick  :)
> You probably already know this, Warrend, and perhaps most
> of the pSubs group, but just in case anyone is interested and
> does not know, Dataq has offered promotional products for
> free just for signing on to their maillist and newsletter.
> I received a  DI-194  dsp with software.  It's nothing fancy or
> sophisticated like 8/12/24 multichannel DSP's, but good enough to
> learn and experiment with and with practical uses, too, like stepper
> motors and simple appliances control, temperature...etc. It even
> came with a screw driver.
> Plus, just for being on the list, Dataq occaisionally sends notices
> for discounted hardware/software.
> http://www.dataq.com
> --Steve

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