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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub? (fruity goodness)

On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 13:05:11 -0600 David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net>
>I think I overreacted. My mail software must have had some kind of a 
>hiccup, because I seem to have duplicates of all these bingo-fodder 

Duplicates?   This stuff is bad enough without being duplicated.

>On Sunday, Jan 5, 2003, at 15:41 US/Central, Michael B Holt wrote:
>> ...American Science and Surplus catalog....  latest Good Idea... 
>> inexpensive power!... getting the
>> involvement of the women in our lives... bushels of, say, apples... 
>> eat the power sources... blah, blah

Do I sense a certain lack of faith?   Alas!  

>Once after seeing an ad for a potato clock (and drinking vodka in the 
>Airstream we were living through a Minnesota winter in), I spent much 
>of an evening feeding past-ripe fruit, mostly citrus (thinking the 
>higher acidity would help), through the Cuisinart.

No, I don't know the chemistry here.  It seems logical to me that
the acidity would help.  

> Then I poured it 
>into these big green cylindrical jars my potter friend had made 
>(actually for battery cases, believe it or not-- but he'd been planning 
>on sufuric acid from scavenged car batteries) and inserted a couple of 
>probes through a plastic lid. By hooking several of these in series I 
>was able to get just enough power to make one of those common, 1.5V 
>clock movements to twitch and not quite make it to the next second. 

Hmmm ....  Does this suggest that we need a motor with no moving
parts, in order for the thing to be useful?

>Then it was time for "X-Files," and we lost interest. I dumped the 
>whole mess on the compost pile after a few days. Where did I go wrong?

Next time add the vodka to the mess in the jars.

Mike H.

It is possible to make a Ship or Boate that may goe underwater 
unto the bottom, and so to come up againe at your pleasure ...
William Bourne, 1576

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