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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] The best geographic place to build a submarine?

Try Rockport Texas...It has nearly everything, only drawback is how far out you have to travel to get to deep water!


> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Ian Roxborough <irox@ix.netcom.com>
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] The best geographic place to build a submarine?
> > 
> > I'm faced with the possibility that I may have leave my
> > current location (Santa Cruz, CA.) to look for work.
> > 
> Funny you should mention this. I was going to ask, too.
> A friend of mine who owns property in Florida suggests
> I try my prospects there?
> Anyone here can give insights to living and working there?
> And the cost of living?  Cost of purchase or space rental for
> a workshop/loft?
> > 
> > Santa Cruz did seem like a really good place (this is
> > why I moved there in the first place).  A large area of
> > clear, interesting and not too deep water (before you drop
> > off in to Monterey canyon).  Close to several industrial areas
> > (silicon valley).  The possibility of renting a work space/area
> > within 15 minutes to 30 minutes travel from my home.  Easy
> > access to a launch ramp.
> > 
> Jeez, how can you afford to rent work space ( near or on the ocean )
> in the Bay Area?  I had a small workshop in San Jose and one
> shop in SF before the Silicon Valley boom. Both places got
> bought out by developers and my rent shot up 1000 percent.
> So much for progress......
> > I could move to Boston in time of the next PSubs convention?
> > Europe? South America? UK? India?
> > 
> Hmmm, I've been to India...I don't think you want to do this.
> South America sounds like a possibility. Costa Rica always
> sounded like a good place. Belize, too. No income tax in
> Costa Rica or Belize...that's what I've been told.
> --Steve

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