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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Framework around the hull.

On Sat, 4 Jan 2003 07:48:44 -0600 David Buchner writes:

>> "It's an official PSUBS sub because it has stick-on bathtub daisies 
>>  for nonskid!"

You realize, don't you, that I have just added to my Bill of Materials
for Junior three packakges of stick-on bathtub daisies?

>> Most of the boats were talking about here aren't going to have 
>> enough  surface area for walking.
>I suppose not, but that's one of my design constraints. It's gotta 
>have  that little miniature deck, around and fore and aft of the little 
>miniature conning tower, where you can stand when it's on the 
>surface... something to step off the dock onto, and then climb down 
>the hatch from...

I seem to recall an ABS requirement for enough deck for everyone
stand on (they must have in mind the sinking of the Cochino).  For
me, the great adbvantage of some deck area is that I'll be high
enough off the water to see everything around the sub.

Mike H.

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