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[PSUBS-MAILIST] non-skid & scrap

>Non-skid is a huge boat problem.   The best answer I ever heard
>was from a Ross Norgrove book.   He suggested dropping rock salt
>in the wet paint on the deck, and the just washing the deck to
>dissolve the salt.
chunky sugar (does need to be washed off or it gets real sticky) and epson salts work just as well.
Keep an eye out for a English program called 'Scrapheap Challenge. A bunch of bods in a junkyard with 10 hours to build something and get it working. They have no idea what they have to build until right at the start. Some of the things have included monster trucks, boats, land minesweepers, rockets, Subs (sort of) and heaps of other fun stuff. A magnificent show. I believe there is an US based version as well.