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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Solicitation for humor:

Don't eat bean burritos before diving.

Michael B Holt wrote:
> I'm working on a Top Ten Things You Should NOT Do With Your PSub.   I
> need
> help.
> Already I have three:
> don't leave unil the compasses are all working (the Japanese sub that was
> captured at Pearl Harbor left with its gyrocompass not functioning);
> never open both doors of an air lock at the same time (the sinking of HMS
> Thetis occurred when both doors of the torpedo tube were opened);
> don't depend on Goernment funding for your great advancement's
> construction (the experiences of Holland, Lake, etc.).
> Whatever you come up with, it should be based on something that
> really happened, and that has become to some extent a legend.
> Thanks.
> Mike
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